As the weather warms up it has everyone thinking about how to keep their temperatures down, and considering this is now our fourth summer without using…
As the weather warms up it has everyone thinking about how to keep their temperatures down, and considering this is now our fourth summer without using…
The first thing you’ll notice when the power goes out, is just how quiet everything is. Especially in the city, where there’s almost a constant “buzz”…
When we were still in the “dreaming” phase of our homestead, I’m not too proud to admit just how many things we got wrong with the…
There’s a beauty of having a bit of land, but smart survivalists are those who can make the most with the resources they have, to ensure…
If you’ve never thought about it before, or tried to measure just how much trash your family produces, trust me, you’re going to get a real…
If you’ve been gardening for a while this should come as no surprise. But for those who are new to this lifestyle or haven’t really put…
If you’ve done any reading on underground bunkers, you’ll have seen that shipping containers come up a lot. And I’m talking a lot. But the real…
When the SHTF, all plans go out the window. It’s a phrase you’ll hear again and again in survivalist circles, because it’s just so true. We…
Most people will spend just under a third of their life at the office, which is an insane amount of time if you really think about…
One of the single most annoying plagues to your homestead, are the rats and mice who always seem to find a way into your supplies. Small…